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Digitized by Google XL 9Mm. Digitized by Google 152 ÜSotani! I, 204 Cahniia m Oppw n, 933 a.

Steffen Brandt Background information Born 1953-06-14 14 June 1953 age 65 , , Denmark Genres Pop, Occupation s Singer, songwriter, author, musician Associated acts In 2003 he received the Modersmål language award for his contribution to music in the Danish language. Pro- copiuB, Gotbkorum lib. Atbenäus 15, 33; Plutarch. SlUeiu feine 5 bfc!

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Unfere Hfnieu müßten eui elender, gebanfeulofer vf aiifc ;;iMt. PropertiuB 1, 17, v. Met by Google XT. ICn ben Seiten waren bte 9. Digitized by Google XV. » AldiKa olBciiMlis, L. Digitized by Google yin.